Monday, October 12, 2009
This is Will.
He was a confirmation for me. I divided my 20 days in the Philippines between Iligan and Valencia. I was in both places for about a week, not counting travel days. I first had planned to leave the country from Valencia. But after spending a week there, I felt that I should cancel my final speaking engagement at the church of Pastor Benito and return to Iligan. Several factors made up this decision...but it was personally hard for me to cancel a meeting so I struggled with the decision. This was the first time I was traveling "on my own" without and escort. When I got on the bus to travel to Iligan, this young man sat next to me and began to ask me who I was...they all understand the word "missionary" so I told him I was a missionary. He asked me what church and I told him "non-denominational but Christian." I said we believe in Jesus Christ and I preach "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever." He said, "Oh so you are Apostolic, so am I." I knew he was not talking of an "apostolic denomination" like we have in America, but that he believed in Ac 2:38baptism. We talked for about an hour about the oneness of God and the "truth."
Of all the thousands of people I could have sat by on this journey...God allowed a fellow brother and believer in Jesus Christ to sit next to me.
He got off at a stop before I did and left me with the words, "see you in the Kingdom my friend and brother."
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