Shabach, Church of Jesus Christ Cagayan De Oro
Saturday, October 24, 2009
This is the Church of Jesus Chirst in Cagayan De Oro. Cagayan is a city on the northern part of Mindanano. This church is in a village in the city, but there are no roads leading to this church. There is a path that you wallk inbetween the houses. This path opens up to a small lot on which that this church is being built. It is only about 10% complete but that does not prevent the saints from meeting. It is pastored by Pastor Barrero. He is pictured below standing by me in the red shirt.
The day I visited this church the Lord led me to teach the people about Shabach. Shabach is a hebrew word for "praise" that means to shout to the Lord with an "earsplitting sound." As soon as I showed the people to shout at the top of their voice and sing praises, they began to shout and praise. The Spirit fell and soon the people began to praise the Lord with zeal. The Spirit took over and I eventually lost the service to the Holy Ghost. I finally sat down and let them praise the Lord.
There is no sound system. The only music is a guitar.
I had a DVR and recorded the message, it was able to pick up most of the praise. It is inspiring to listen to the Philippino to praise the Lord with such zeal, and fire of spirit.
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