January 15, 2010 Philippines a dangerous country for Journalists
Friday, January 15, 2010
With the murder of over 30 journalists in the Novemeber 23 massacre by the accused Andal Ampatuan Jr. whose family controls the politics of the Maguindanao Province. They are loyal to the current president and have delivered blocks of votes in each of the recent national elections.
Esmael Mangudadatu, was running in opposition to the Ampatuan family and his wife was on going to register him as a candidate when she, supporters and over 30 journalists were murdered, 67 people in all. This occured in the Western part of Mindanao. It made the Philppines the most dangerous country in the world for journalists.
For a report click here.
The accused murderer Andal Ampatuan Jr.
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