
Pray for Philippines Missions

December 28, 2009 Pastor Capilitan

Monday, December 28, 2009

Please take a moment to meet Pastor Winston Capilitan. He is poised to lead the Church of Jesus Christ in the Philippines. We have sevaral churches in fellowship, with more desiring to enter into the fellowship. The main church is in Iligan City. Others in; Initao, in jungle area outside of Initao, Cagayan De Oro, Bohol, Plauridel and other places. There is much hunger for the Word of God on the whole island of Mindanao. Sadly, most missionaries are scared to travel in Mindanao because of the terrorism of the Abu Sayaf and communists fighters. Much of the island is not evangelized by the gospel. Many people have only heard the gospel preached thrru the Catholic doctrines. Last September I was in several areas where it was reported that there never had been a "white" missionary!! How can America hear the gospel week after week and time after time, until all the people of Mindanao have heard it for the first time! There are areas of the Philippines where the name of Jesus Christ is not known in power. How can they know unless God raises up a preacher. Winston Capilitan is such a man.....

Brothers Pepito, and Winston Capilitan

Here is a brief bio written by Pastor Winston's wife Flor Capilitan:

"Winston Godito Capilitan was born on August 15,1966 at Glan, Cotabato,Philippines. He is the third child of the six children in the family. Married to sis.Flor I. Capilitan on August 4,1990. He has only one son name Samuel born on September 20,2009.He studied at the University of the Visayas but did not finish high school. He is good in painting and charcoal portrait which is the source of his living. Attended the short term Bible school in Baybay, Leyte, Philippines. At the age of sixteen he started preaching the gospel. Traveled different places in Visayas with his father.He visited different churches and help the pastors in preaching the gospel.

He reached Mindanao work again in the The Church of Jesus Christ. Many religious sect offered him a support in exchange of working with them but the doctrine is different so he refuses.

Being the favorite child of his father and in line of the work he reached Iligan City with his wife Sis.Flor
seeking for a living.Sis. Flor was accepted as a regular permanent teacher in the Bureau of Public

Elementary Schools of the Republic of the Philippines.He handled a church under the organization of the Church of Jesus Christ in Iligan City for 13 years.

He envision that The Church of Jesus Christ will grow in Progress and spread not only in the island of Mindanao but to the entire Philippines."


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